Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sad Way to be Remembered...

Ugh. I didn't know anything about Dash Snow, but I do know that it sucks to have some loser Gossip rag on Twitter remember me this way:

Not only is your name (in death, mind you) 10 words in, you have to be connected to Mary-Kate Olsen to be a "celebrity?" May I take a "gander" as to why this Gossip "site" has a miniscule 1,024 followers? Possibly that for it's ridiculous title and that there are one of the teeny tiny slivers of hay in that haystack the needle is hiding in. Gossip Gander doesn't matter, but you Dash Snow, you do, to someone who knew you.

This Is What Happens When You Drink Toooo Much.

This Is What Happens When You Drink Toooo Much. put wine bags over your head and dance like Elaine from Seinfeld