Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Name is (Celebrity Name) and please buy my scent!

Unnecessary. The perfume game has come a long way from Chanel Nº5.

Celebrities, please stop shoving your perfumes and colognes up my nostrils.
No Britney, "I don't dare." No Halle, no matter how beautiful you are I'm not interested and NO MARIAH, you are may be on fire, but not good enough to wipe your scent on me!

Top 15 Celebrity Colognes/Perfumes Offenders:

1. Mariah Carey:
2. Britney Spears
3. Halle Berry:
4. Kylie Minogue
5. Sean Jean (P.Diddy) -
6. Usher
7. Elizabeth Taylor
8.Celine Dion
9. Jennifer Lopez
10. David Beckham
11. Paris Hilton
12. Sarah Jessica Parker
13. Carlos Santana (!)
14. Hilary Duff
15. Antonio Banderas

That's my rant for today. I bet before this post is up, I will see Mariah sultrily applying perfume between her bosom... and you will too. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

!Sick Shoe Alert!

Thank goodness for Gilt Fuse, otherwise I wouldn't have known about these awesome shoes going on sale tomorrow.... Upper Echelon Shoes aka UES.

Just check out how awesome thes shoe below is: NISE - Leather... Currently they are sold out on the site, but if they have them tomorrow... I will be buying. Yesh.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My 2009 CMJ

I'm going through post CMJ withdraw! Even after being completely incompetent during work hours, still going to the gym, and the walking even though my body ached from the gym, I wish CMJ was more than a week.

First of all, I didn't think I was going to see as many shows as I did this year, but having a friend in an up and coming band Finding Fiction with a lot of time on his hands, interning for a music site "Greenshoelace" and receiving free tickets to sold out CMJ shows DOES help.

Secondly, I saw three bands that would make me get on the rooftop of my BK abode and shout "Eh! Listen to x, y, and z!" and then quietly slink down before I was caught by my landlord Kurian, who, surprisingly, is ALWAYS around.

1. Local Natives (L.A)
2. Golden Silvers (London Town)
3. Pink Noise (Brooklyn based!)

My number one fsvorite was Local Natives and since I saw them twice, they doubly made an impression on me.

The Greenshoelace sponsored CMJ show, at Santos Party House, was where I first heard them, then secondly at the Deli Magazine ALL DAY Free CMJ showcase at The Delancey on Saturday, the last day of CMJ. By Saturday I was itching to see them again. A favorite of mine they played at both sets was the song "Airplanes." The are definitely not a new band as they have a decent following in Europe and their hometown of L.A. However if you are in the mood for four males to wrap harmonious vocals around your head, then give Local Natives a listen.

Golden Silvers played at the Greenshoelace CMJ showcase at Bowery Electric, and was a pleasant surprise. A video for a song that I don't know the name of (I'd appreciate some help here), was my favorite of their set. However their last song was a perfectly done A Capella song. I wish I could have gotten that on video. I hope to hear more of them soon, and that they come back to NYC. In 2008 Golden Silvers won the Glastonbury New Talent competition, putting the in the limelight. So listen up!

Lastly I trekked past my normal stop of Graham Ave on the L, took the shuttle to the Morgan stop and made it to Shea Stadium to catch the ridiculous 18 band showcase. There I saw Desert Stars who needed to have someone work on their mics, as I could barely hear the one chick on the cello! A cello amongst drums, keys, and a guitar is going to be drowned out regardless, but a well positioned mic, with the volume up, would have helped.

Anyway, on to the main event (for me at least) was Pink Noise. As Desert Stars droned on, PN, came in a tad bit late, with little time to set up. I knew I would like them tho as the female lead singer came in waearing silver sparkly Converse. Hot.

Unfortunately with the noise factor and fuzziness of the mics, I couldn't catch song titles, but I loved each and every one. They played Union Pool tonight... too bad I missed it!

So that was my CMJ. How was yours?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sad Way to be Remembered...

Ugh. I didn't know anything about Dash Snow, but I do know that it sucks to have some loser Gossip rag on Twitter remember me this way:

Not only is your name (in death, mind you) 10 words in, you have to be connected to Mary-Kate Olsen to be a "celebrity?" May I take a "gander" as to why this Gossip "site" has a miniscule 1,024 followers? Possibly that for it's ridiculous title and that there are one of the teeny tiny slivers of hay in that haystack the needle is hiding in. Gossip Gander doesn't matter, but you Dash Snow, you do, to someone who knew you.

Monday, April 27, 2009

In the Pit of Passion

I haven't blogged in forever, and who cares it's my blog and I can do with it what I please.

Passion Pit actually got me in the mood to blog again. Thank you men of Cambridge, MA for producing the album of my summer... so far.

Currently "The Reeling" and "Little Secrets" are on repeat. I can't do much but bop my head as I swelter in the heat at work, wishing I was sweltering on a hot rooftop instead. The cool loft space I work in isn't so cool with one air conditioner. However I can almost handle it, when the beat drops and the handclaps start up in "Sleepyhead."

Passion Pit is making the start of my summer kick it. Ass that is.

This Is What Happens When You Drink Toooo Much.

This Is What Happens When You Drink Toooo Much. put wine bags over your head and dance like Elaine from Seinfeld